Tuesday, February 14, 2012

MAY DAY General Strike + 99% SUPER BOWL PHILLY July 4

May Day Worldwide General Strike 2012 (May 1st)



National General Assembly beginning the week of July 4, 2012 in Philadelphia

The 99 Percent Declaration Calls for July 4 General Assembly in Philly

1. Elimination of the Corporate State.
2. Overturning the "Citizens United" Case.
3. Elimination of All Private Benefits to Public Servants.
4. Term Limits.
5. A Fair Tax Code.
6. Health Care for All.
7. Protection of the Planet.
8. Debt Reduction.
9. Jobs for All Americans.
10. Student Loan Debt Refinancing.
11. Ending Perpetual War for Profit.
12. Emergency Reform of Public Education.
13. End Outsourcing and Currency Manipulation.
14. Banking and Securities Reform.
15. Foreclosure Moratorium, Mortgage Refinancing and Principle Write Downs.
16. Review and Reform of the Federal Reserve Banking System.
17. Ending the Electoral College and Enactment of Uniform Federal Election Rules in All of the States.
18. Ending the War in Afghanistan and Care of Veterans.
19. No Censorship of the Internet.
20. Reinstitution of Civil Rights Including the Repeal of the NDAA.
21. Curtailing the Private Prison Industrial Complex.



OccupyWallStreet.org for tactical briefings
OccupyTogether.org join occupations across America
Takethesquare.net for international perspective
Livestream from the global revolution
OccupyWallSt.org for news and logistics

Let Your Life Be a Friction to Stop the Machine
A brief and crucial history of the United States
A Class Warrior Film

Here's what we're up against. Read it and weep:
That's a headline in "Too Much," an Internet publication
from the Institute for Policy Studies that describes itself as
"an online weekly on excess and inequality."


You and I create our reality each and every day…by what we buy.
$1.00 x 308 million Americans.
Did you buy the farm?
The U.S. creates itself by what it buys.
U.S. consumerism makes up 2/3 of the U.S. economy.
That tells you how much power the 99% have.
The 99% that are escaping reality…watching tv… shopping on credit…
YOU need to become responsible citizens that participate.
The 1% need to pay their fair share in taxes.
ALL The 99% need to take responsibility for their actions and lifestyles.
DO YOU FINANCE? Junk food and Frankenstein-Food; Overspending?; Credit card debt; Mc Mansions; SUVs; Wall Street ponzi investments; entertainment without moral responsibility?...
Or do you Support and build: Small local farmers; living in the black debt free; small footprint homes and vehicles; investment in real estate or small business for 401k; interacting and participating with the world instead of only your tv box?



6 degrees of separation;
100th Monkey paradigm shift in consciousness & reality
The Mailing list is made up of the Americans in poverty & under-unemployed.
50 million is enough Americans to change America.

We already have the group for critical mass change in American reality.
Un & Under employed; the foreclosed upon; those in poverty; college students; high school students
We have Wisconsin!

313,232,044 Million in population; July 2011 est..
The U.S. civilian work force is just over 154 million; (153.9 million)
25.2 % percent TOTAL UN or UNDER employed
25.8 million Americans UN or UNDER employed
46 Million Americans in poverty
Millions of foreclosures escalated with robosign-ing fraud
15-16 Trillion national debt with interest paid daily to the 8 matrix.


ALWAYS ECONOMIC sanctions topple the last domino.

Charge IT Forward or PAY IT Forward.

The goal of 50 million U.S. activists in 6 degrees of separation
for the 100th monkey critical mass change.
The goal of 1 million activists
per state for the paradigm shift in consciousness.

SUPER BOWL against Exuberant free fall LOAD SHEDDING rolling blackout High Freq Algorithm capitalism.
3rd Continenta­l Congress
July 4, 2012
Philadelph­ia, PA


Go Fish.
Price? … a few cents on the dollar.
Pump & Dump
2008….Control the bubble…control the collapse.
Control the Money…Control the World.
Synthesize the bubbles then synthesize the depressions.
Low interest rate bubble bursts…then the 8 families buy the defaults pennies on the dollar.

The Creature from Jekyll Island G.Edward Griffin

If corporations are persons capable of speech; do corporations have feelings too?
Because the feelings exhibited by MOST collective GANGS is “un-feeling” group psychopathy.

8 families own the monopoly over the global economy.
8 families manufacture debt with daily interest through the Federal Reserve and Central Banks.
The Federal Reserve System is the greatest con job in human history.
Does that mean they are ENTITLED to U.S. Government welfare without tax?

The 8 families and the 1% collect daily interest on usury?
That is the legacy of the elite to take without paying their fair share?

I know the elite believe in hell;
because the elite are creating hell right here on earth.
Turning U.S. into Mexican peasantry.

8 families own 70 trillion and control BIG OIL and the fortune 500 BIG companies.
70 trillion requires tax breaks?
Printing fiat federal reserve money instead of gold backed treasury note currency
in order to manufacture debt for U.S.?

The World Order Eustace Mullins
The Secret Team Col. Fletcher Prouty
Also see: Authors Antony Sutton; John Coleman

The Special Period
Cuba without oil
How Did Cuba Survive The Oil Crises pt 1-4

If 2/3 of the U.S. economy is consumerism...then what happens when the 99% can not consume...?....
because they have....
1. No job
2. No home
3. No health care
4. No 401k or savings
5. No nutrition
6. No future?
What happens then to the 8 families and the 1%?

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